OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\FLA.OPL Language.FLA \LANGUAGE\ OFFSET% SCORE% NOTE$ LABLE$ NOTEHD$ NUMBER WORD$ SOUND$ FLAG$ TITLE ITEMO PROMPT3 MENUS + WELCOME ! M:\LANGUAGE\ OxOPO OxOPO ITEMX ITEME MENUS CLOCKS ITEML HEADLINE NOTEHD$ NOTE$ OFFSET% SOUND$ ABCC[ *.fla OPEN A LANGUAGE FILE( +GNote: Create a directory on your internal drive and name it "LANGUAGE".O +:Place all language modules (.fla files) in that directory.O LABLE$ LABLE2$ NUMBER NUMBER" O<|Ry A10$# OFFC[ You may try out the Language module one time.KO +2After one sampling, you will not be able to accessO K+/ Language module without the subscription code.K( ContinueOc+ Subscription InfoOi+ Enter CodeOe A10$' A10$# OFFC[ SUBSCRIPTION FOR + ?????? To access the + K+' Language file, and permanently disableKO +>this dialog, please enter the proper subscripttion code below.( +=Note: To try out the program, open the Latin (sample) module.( Subscription Code for + +-(Press "Enter" for subscription information.)( A10$' OFFC[$ + INCORRECT OFFC[ HEADLINE ITEMT ITEMQ NOTEHD$ NOTE$ SOUND$ OPTIONS AND SETTINGS English to + to EnglishK +0(Scroll to one of the choices and press "Enter")( Set Clock Names and Times( Turn Sound Clear All Notes and Settings( Reset Quiz "Top Score" to 0( Make Quiz "O CLEAR NOTES AND SETTINGS ++(Scroll down to a choice and press "Enter")( Clear Notes and Clocks( Clear Personal #'s and Password( Clear All of the Above( A11$# A12$# A11$# A12$# LABLE2$' LINES PROMPT ITEML FLAG$ SOUND$ abcdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyz Translations+ AdjectivesOah+ BusinessObh+ ConversationOch+ EatingOeh+ Goods & ServicesOgh+ PeopleOph Notes+ Personal #'sOnh+ FlightsOyh+ AutomobilesOuh+ HotelsOhh+ RestaurantsOrh+ MiscellaneousOmh Extras+ Find A WordOfh+ Vocabulary QuizOqh+ Pronounciation TipsOzh+ Program SettingsOsh+ About WizzyWigOlh Files+ Open A Language FileOoh+ ExitOx Conversions+ CurrencyOkh+ TimeOth+ DistanceOdh+ VolumeOvh+ WeightOwh+ TemperatureOj C R E A T I N G F L A G S . . . O(OPOAO OPOAO OZOKO OFFC[$ OxOZO OFFC[$ HEADLINE WORDS PROMPT MENUS NOTEHD$ NUMBER NOTE$ WORD$ SOUND$ SCORE% VOCABULARY QUIZ |RWBIO |RWBIO |RWBIO VOCABULARY QUIZ ++Choose the best translation for the word: |RWBIx |RWBIx OFFC[ IN A ROW !K+ TOP SCORE: O OFFC[$ WAS CORRECT! OFFC[ SORRY! The translation of WORD$ A10$# A11$# A12$# A13$# A14$# A15$# A16$# A17$# A18$# A19$# A20$# A21$# A22$# A23$# A24$# HEADLINE LABLE$ WORD$ NOTEHD$ PRONOUNCIATION TIPSK PROMPT3 FLAG$ WORD$ O RKO WORD$ +!P R E S S " M E N U " +$ A " H O T K E Y " O R " E N T E R " LINES FOREIGN LANGUAGE WIZZYWIG ASSIST NOTEHD$ OFFSET% HEADLINE PROMPT MENUS LISTER WORD$ NOTEHD$ +*(Scroll to a word group and press "Enter")( HEADLINE WORDS PROMPT3 NOTEHD$ WORD$ . . . . . . . . . OZOiO . . . . . . . . . . OZOiO NOTEHD$ PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ ADJECTIVES Colors Emotions Descriptions Shapes and Sizes PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ EATING Fruits Vegetables Meats, Dairy, etc. Beverages and Meals PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ PEOPLE Social Family Occupations Nationalities PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ BUSINESS Numbers Finance The Office Negotiations PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ GOODS & SERVICES Shops Lodging Government Transportation PRELIST NOTEHD$ WORD$ CONVERSATION Weather Queries Salutations +4Language module subscription codes are available forO +7$2.00 (US) per language. Call 212/595-6852 or contact:( +/WizzyWig Productions 200 West 93rd Street #6D( +1New York, NY 10025 USA (E-mail: hammes@aol.com)( +3Modules are available for Spanish, French, Italian,O + (if applicable), with asterisks before and after. Example: + " was not found.K OFFC[ LABLE$# HEADLINE CLOCKS MENUS NOTE$ NUMBER NOTEHD$ OFFSET% NUMBER" TIME SETTINGS +5(Set clock location names and time difference below).( ++Current location (shows System clock time): Second location: +1Time difference, in hours, between the locations:O +6(Use a negative number to set the second clock behind)( O<|Ry NUMBER& HEADLINE WORD$ NOTEHD$ LABLE$ NUMBER NOTE$ SOUND$ Currency CONVERSIONSK NUMBER" NUMBER" NUMBER" +D(Scroll to a unit of measure, enter an amount, and press "Enter")( +